assembling: Of Bogs and Benthos
part of the exhibit: Drawing Water, artists and scientists explore northern lakes
an artist/scientist project sponsored by the University of Wisconsin Center for Limnology Trout Lake Research Station

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Six artists came together with scientists for a 3-day facilitated workshop at the Trout Lake Station near Boulder Jct, WI. At this workshop, we explored lakes in the north temperate lakes group, shared artistic impressions and experiences, and learned about current scientific studies through field trips, discussions and art activities. The goal of LTEArts is to create new ways to share research and information with the public through the arts. We hope to increase public understanding of lake ecology, highlight research results from our LTER lake studies, and encourage people to take an active role in defining and influencing the future of our lakes.

Links for more information:
North Temperate Lakes Long Term Ecological Research
Long Term Ecological Research Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) supports fundamental ecological research that requires long time periods and large spatial scales. This program supports a coordinated network of more than two dozen field sites. The general mission of LTER is to understand ecological phenomena that occur over long temporal and broad spatial scales; to create a legacy of well-designed and documented ecological experiments; to conduct major syntheses and theoretical efforts; and to provide information necessary for the identification and solution of environmental problems.

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6 min 40 sec